Company meetings and resolutions: Today, we discuss the different meetings held by a private company and the different resolutions to be extracted at those meetings. One of the best practices for your company is to constantly have meetings; whether to make business plans or strategies, or to discuss the progress of certain action points. It is good practice to make […]
Company meetings and resolutions
Best principles and practices for continuity of your business
Best principles and practices for continuity of your business: This week, we discuss the legal perspective of the best principles and practices your company should abide by for successful continuity of business. Regulatory compliance: The need for regulatory compliance cannot be over-emphasised. As discussed in the previous weeks, your business could incur serious losses or even closure in the event […]
Execution of Decrees [Interpretation of Section 34 of the Uganda Civil Procedure Act
The High Court case of Papada Holdings Ltd & Anor versus Christopher Kisembo & Anor HCMA No. 0497/2021 (Commercial Division) 1) The term ” representative” under S. 34 (1) & (3) of the CPA has been interpreted to include not only legal representatives of a person’s estate upon death, but his or her representative in title, including a purchaser of […]
Statutory timelines
The case of Al shafi Investment Group LLC versus Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank and Ors HCMA 130/2021 (Commercial Court) The Principal Judge of the High Court of Uganda has re-affirmed, in the above case, the long settled principle that all court summonses must be served within 21 days, failure whereof one ought to apply for a renewal of the summonses […]